Emily is 3 months old today, her weight was 5.7kg, height at 59cm one week ago when visited doctor. She is our cuties, she likes to smile when we looking at her and talking to her. She will give us ' ah ah ah' when we are talking. Oh yeah, she likes her bathing time, she has never cry before during her bath, such a good girl. ( jie jie must be very jealous when i say mei mei is a good girl ).
She has 2 very strong legs, when she lay on her tummy, she will try to push her legs and push her tummy to crawl, and even she is not able to roll over at this moment. She is quite steady when lifting her head up at this moment.
Recently she is a bit wired during feeding, she used to finish her milk even we give her before the feeding time, she is pushing out the milk bottle using her hands and tongue. Now we waiting for her call to ask for milk. She consumes 4oz around 3 hours. If we feed her around 12 mid night, she is able to sleep until 5am or 6am..